“We are working on launching in some of the biggest markets in the world, places like India, Russia, and Africa which has a very rich musical culture.”However, Ek didn't disclose any specific details or the timeline for the India launch. Earlier this month, Spotify had disclosed in its public offering filing that it had leased office space in Mumbai last year. The report also shows that Spotify has 308 employees across 21 nations, that includes India as well as Brazil, Singapore, and others. A former Google executive, Akshat Harbola is at present the head of Spotify India. India already has access to various music services like Saavn, Gaana, and Hungama. Even international music streaming services like Apple Music, Amazon Music and Google Play Music which have a fair share of the market. Spotify will have to compete against these established players to capture market share.
The song’s music is composed by Dr. Zeus, known for popular tracks like Kangana Tera Ni and Woofer.
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