boAt has partnered with Warner Music India to launch Maati, a unique musical initiative celebrating India’s rich folk traditions. This project features eight tracks in eight regional languages, showcasing a diverse lineup of artists, including Vishal Dadlani, Mohit Chauhan, Mikey McCleary, Sushant Divgikar (aka Rani KoHEnur), Madhubanti Bagchi, Ash King, and Nikhita Gandhi. With Maati, boAt embraces India’s cultural diversity and champions its vibrant music scene.
Released in October, the tracks will continue to roll out over the next two months across Warner Music India's YouTube and social media channels.
Aman Gupta, Co-Founder and CMO of boAt, shared, “Through Maati, boAt aims to spotlight folk artists and bring their voices to the forefront of India’s music industry, offering them a platform to connect with new audiences. This collaboration also aligns with boAt’s mission to blend technology and culture, crafting immersive audio experiences that resonate with listeners in India and worldwide.”
Maati celebrates the diversity of Indian folk music with tracks in Rajasthani, Telugu, Assamese, Punjabi, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali, and Garhwali Pahadi. The project combines regional authenticity with a contemporary twist, featuring artists like Vishal Dadlani, Mohit Chauhan, Ash King, and Nikhita Gandhi alongside emerging talents like Sushant Divgikar and Madhubanti Bagchi. Curated by composers Achint Thakkar and Parth Pandya, each track captures the essence of Indian folklore, from heartfelt reunions to satirical takes on marriage.
Jay Mehta, Managing Director of Warner Music India & SAARC, added, “With Maati, our goal was to elevate India’s folk music and artists to a global platform, celebrating the depth of our folk traditions. We’ve unearthed extraordinary stories from across the country, and this first season is just the start. We hope to establish Maati as a recurring series, with plans for a live festival in 2025.”
The first three tracks are now live, with Maati aiming to break stereotypes by blending folk music with contemporary voices, proving that music transcends boundaries, languages, and regions.
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