Renowned film analyst and critic Komal Nahta recently unveiled a groundbreaking achievement in his magazine, Film Information. Stating that "Rs 25 lakhs for one song must be a record fee charged by any lyricist to date," Nahta's revelation was later affirmed by none other than Javed Akhtar himself during a stage show titled Main Koi Aisa Geet Gaaon.
During the event, Akhtar delved into the unique circumstances surrounding his involvement in the song "Dunki." While he typically pens multiple songs for a film, director Rajkumar Hirani insisted on him writing the lyrics for a single track, asserting, "Yeh gaana aapke alawa koi nahin likh sakta" (No one else can write this song but you). Despite presenting what he described as "unreasonable terms" to dissuade the director, Akhtar revealed that Hirani readily accepted the conditions, showcasing an unwavering commitment to the film.
Expressing his admiration for Hirani, Akhtar stated, "Yeh mera kamaal nahin hai. Yeh kamaal Raju Hirani ka hai" (This is not my achievement; it's Raju Hirani's). He attributed their collaboration to Hirani's stellar track record and genuine love for the film, emphasizing that ego played no role in the decision-making process.
The film "Dunki," centered around the dreams of Hardy (Shah Rukh Khan) and his friends in the village of Laltu, Punjab, hit the screens on December 21 following an extensive promotional campaign. Despite facing obstacles in their pursuit of better opportunities in London, the characters embark on a unique journey, attempting to enter England illegally through the donkey flight route. The movie unfolds a myriad of emotions over its 2 hours and 41 minutes runtime.
Javed Akhtar's record-breaking fee not only spotlights his unparalleled contribution to the world of Bollywood music but also underscores the industry's recognition of the value placed on artistic excellence.
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