Setting the mood just right for the ongoing festive season, global pop force King enthralled his thousands of Mumbai fans with a fiery entertainment-packed concert at the NSCI Dome, Worli on Sunday, December 24. Ringing in Christmas early with the musician, Mumbai was set ablaze by King’s electrifying performance that truly left everyone spellbound. Crooning his top hits such as ‘Tu Jaana Na Piya’, ‘High Hukku’, ‘Maan Meri Jaan’, ‘Tu Aake Dekhle’, ‘Sarkaare’ and more with his infectious energy, King had the crowd grooving with him with all their hearts out.
Sharing his gratitude for all the love coming his way, King said, “It was such a special night, and as always, I had a wonderful time performing in Mumbai. I absolutely love the people and the warmth and energy they offer, so I make sure to give them the best musical experience with my show. For me, it truly was a celebration of unity, love, and the unbreakable bond between me and my fans. I can’t wait to be back. Sending my love to everyone always.”
Prior to Mumbai, the global music artist enjoyed packed shows in Bengaluru, Jaipur, Kolkata, Delhi, Pune, Lucknow, Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad, which remain memorable experiences for both the singer and all his fans out there.
After such a spectacular end to his grand India Tour, the global pop force is headed next to Goa and Dubai for his final shows of 2023.
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