Shruti Haasan and A.R. Rahman, a pairing that has delivered memorable musical moments, have teamed up once again for It’s A Break Up Da, a track from Kadhalikka Neramillai. This marks their third collaboration following the widely celebrated Tamil Anthem Semmozhi and the MTV Unplugged recreation of Ranjha Ranjha. Notably, Semmozhi introduced Shruti’s fans to her rock-and-roll vocal prowess, setting her apart as a versatile artist in the music industry. Her admiration for Rahman is well-documented, with Shruti often expressing her love for his work through social media, making this reunion a treat for their fans.
Composed by the maestro A.R. Rahman, It’s A Break Up Da is sung by Shruti Haasan and Adithya RK. Shruti’s energetic vocals and Rahman’s signature innovative style ensures it becomes an instant earworm.
The collaboration has created a buzz among fans and industry insiders alike. With Shruti’s dynamic voice and Rahman’s genius composition, It’s A Break Up Da is expected to top charts and resonate with audiences.
Her admiration for Rahman is well-documented, with Shruti often expressing her love for his work through social media, making this....
January 06, 2025