Actress-musician Shruti Haasan, who kicked off the year with two blockbuster hits, Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy, is gearing up to conclude the year on a high note. Scheduled to perform live at the North East Festival in Delhi on December 23rd, she aims to captivate her fans with an energetic stage presence.
Adding to the excitement, Shruti's much-anticipated film, Salaar, is set to hit screens worldwide a day before her live performance. Recently, she also unveiled her single, 'Monster Machine,' garnering over 1.8 million views on YouTube and earning acclaim from both fans and critics.
A source close to the actress shares insights into her upcoming performance at the North East Festival, stating, "Shruti is passionate about stage performances, and her infectious energy always resonates with the audience. Having showcased her talent at prestigious venues in London, she eagerly anticipates her Delhi gig, where she will present her original tracks alongside her band." The three-day festival will not only feature Shruti but also include performances by singers Papon and Zubeen Garg, as well as acts by Anoushka Maskey, Wangden Sherpa, and Shady Mellow.
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