Mumbai’s beloved singer Dikshant, renowned for his soulful track “Tum Aankhon Se Batana,” is all set to captivate audiences at the prestigious Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) with his first-ever live performance of 2025. Scheduled for 25th January, this event marks a significant milestone in Dikshant’s flourishing career as he performs alongside his band for the very first time at the venue.
Joining Dikshant on stage are some of the finest musicians in the industry: Subodh Gupta on bass, Austin Furtado on lead guitar, Samaksh Namdev on drums, and Swarup Chattopadhyay on keys. Together, they promise to deliver an unforgettable evening filled with electrifying energy, soulful melodies, and captivating performances.
Dikshant’s journey from a rising independent artist to one of Mumbai’s most celebrated voices has been nothing short of inspiring. With millions resonating with his heartfelt songs, including the ever-popular “Tum Aankhon Se Batana,” his music continues to strike a chord with fans of all ages.
The upcoming concert at NMACC is more than just a performance; it’s a celebration of music, collaboration, and artistry. Fans can expect a magical evening as Dikshant and his band take the stage to bring their unique sound to life.
Event Details:
Date: 25th January 2025
Venue: Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC), Mumbai
Tickets are selling fast, so book yours now to witness this extraordinary live performance. For more details, visit Bookmyshow.
Scheduled for 25th January, this event marks a significant milestone in Dikshant’s flourishing career as he performs alongside his band....
January 24, 2025