Union Home Minister Amit Shah stated on Wednesday that Pandit Jasraj, a stalwart in classical music, elevated Indian classical music and 'Bhakti Pad' to global acclaim. Shah released a commemorative postal stamp marking 50 years of Pandit Jasraj's music festival, "Pandit Motiram, Pandit Maniram Sangeet Samaroha," highlighting the maestro's contribution to Indian classical, 'Pushtimargiya' music, and 'Bhakti Pad' in the Vaishnav tradition.
Shah emphasized that Pandit Jasraj's devotion-filled renditions of bhajans brought the image of Lord Krishna to life for audiences worldwide, taking Indian classical music and 'Bhakti Pad' to unprecedented heights. He underscored that India would forever remember Pandit Jasraj's role in fortifying Indian classical and 'Bhakti' music.
Aiming to perpetuate his legacy, the government of India, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, decided to release a postal stamp in his honor. Shah expressed confidence that this gesture would revive memories of Pandit Jasraj in the hearts of his admirers.
The music festival, initiated by Pandit Jasraj in 1972, was a heartfelt expression of love for his late father, Sangeet Ratna Pandit Motiram. Pandit Jasraj started the festival as a tribute to the only memory he had of his father, who passed away when Pandit Jasraj was just four years old. Despite his father's early demise, Pandit Jasraj, with the guidance of his elder brother and later guru, Sangeet Mahamopadhyay Pandit Maniram, meticulously organized the annual festival for 47 years without interruption.
Apart from his eminent role as an Indian classical vocalist, Pandit Jasraj significantly contributed to India's cultural and musical landscape by introducing and nurturing young musicians in Hyderabad, many of whom have become legends. Shah acknowledged Pandit Jasraj as the "Son of Hyderabad" for this unique contribution.
During the stamp release ceremony, Pandit Jasraj's daughter, Durga Jasraj, and Pandit Maniram's son and Pandit Motiram's grandson, Pandit Dinesh, were present alongside various dignitaries. Born in 1930, Pandit Jasraj left an indelible mark on Indian classical music until his passing in 2020. (PTI)
The song’s music is composed by Dr. Zeus, known for popular tracks like Kangana Tera Ni and Woofer.
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