Renowned singer Jubin Nautiyal, known for his mesmerizing renditions in Bollywood, is now making waves in the Hindi Pop genre with his latest venture. In a departure from his usual repertoire, Jubin Nautiyal has taken on the role of a co-composer for the captivating track titled 'Hai Kaisi Kaisi.' This foray into pop music showcases Jubin Nautiyal's versatility and highlights his creative prowess as he adds a distinct touch to the Hindi Pop scene.
Composed by Jubin Nautiyal and Rocky Khanna who has also penned the lyrics of the track, ‘Hai Kaisi Kaisi’ features Jubin alongside model Samyra Moreira. Directed by Crevixa, the music video is a visual spectacle that amalgamates contemporary elements, beautiful visuals and modern-day art.
Says Jubin Nautiyal, “Hai Kaisi Kaisi was my attempt at doing something different! Not just offering a new soundscape, but also experimenting with the video this time! While 'Hai Kaisi Kaisi' has a unique sound with a pop-rock vibe, its music video is very distinct and artistic and fans will witness me in a different avatar and see a new side to me as an artist.”
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