Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are all set to begin their wedding festivities today. As they get ready for their Mehendi ceremony, a close friend and director Ayan Mukerji took to his Instagram to share a clip from their song Kesariya in their upcoming movie Brahmastra Part One: Shiva. The video also contains the text, “Team Brahmastra wishes our lead couple all the love and light!”
He captioned the post, “For Ranbir and For Alia! And… For this Sacred Journey, they are going to embark on soon! Ranbir and Alia… my closest and dearest people in this world… my happy place, and my safe place… who have added everything to my life… and given themselves completely and selflessly to our movie…! We just had to share a piece of their union, from our movie, from our song Kesariya, to Celebrate them… as a Gift to them, and to Everyone!! Wishing that the best of Energies and all the Blessings, all the Joy and all the Purity, surround them as they enter an amazing new chapter of life, together forever #loveisthelight"
Alia Bhatt also commented on this post saying, “Captionnnn” with many heart emojis. In the video, Alia Bhatt is seen in a yellow lehenga, while Ranbir Kapoor wears a red-hued shirt over his white tee and blue denim. Brahmastra is set to release theatrically on September 9 this year.The song’s music is composed by Dr. Zeus, known for popular tracks like Kangana Tera Ni and Woofer.
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