The 70th National Film Awards ceremony took place today at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi, with President Droupadi Murmu presenting the honors. Celebrating the best of 2022, the event saw A. R. Rahman awarded Best Music (Background Score) for his work in Ponniyin Selvan I. This marks Rahman’s second National Award in the Background Score category and his seventh overall. Reflecting on the recognition, Rahman shared on the red carpet, "This feels like a full circle moment. My first award was for Roja, which was with them. This one too is for a Mani Ratnam film. I'm proud that he's here with me."
Rahman and director Mani Ratnam have collaborated on several films over the years, including Thiruda Thiruda, Bombay, Dil Se.., Alaipayuthey, Guru, Raavanan, and O Kadhal Kanmani. They will reunite once again for the upcoming film Thug Life, starring Kamal Haasan.
Among Rahman’s most popular tracks are iconic songs like Roja, Minsara Poove, Veerapandi Kotayyile, Dil Se Re.., Chhaiyya Chhaiyya, Nadaan Parindey, Tere Bina, his Oscar-winning hit Jai Ho, and more recently, Ishq Nachaye.
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