Renowned playback singer Rekha Bhardwaj and the soulful band Alif come together to unveil their collaborative EP, Ab Mujhe Ishq Karna Aata Hai. This four-track masterpiece delves into the emotional depths of the seven stages of love—from attraction to heartbreak, and finally, healing and wisdom.
The EP celebrates vulnerability and the courage to embrace love fully. It is a tribute to the human heart’s ability to endure, evolve, and rediscover love with newfound grace.
In Rekha Bhardwaj’s words,"This EP is for anyone who has loved, lost, and learned. It is an ode to the complexities of human emotions and the universal journey of the heart."
Alif adds:Ab Mujhe Ishq Karna Aata Hai is a 4 song EP. That is a documentation that each one of us has lived , felt one way or the other. The process of making the EP has saved me, in the fast paced life a reminder it’s ok to slow down & not rush & race. And I am grateful to have rekha ji on board. Ishq Cham Kham, Mohtarma, Mirror mirror on the wall , Ab Mujhe Ishq karna aata hai Is to be heard at your own pace.
Adding his perspective, Rohit Sobti, Curator at Artiste First, shares:"This collaboration is not just music; it’s a celebration of emotions that unite us all. Rekha Ji and Alif have created something truly magical—an EP that transcends boundaries and resonates deeply with the listener’s soul. We’re proud to present this masterpiece to the world."
Featuring evocative tracks like "Ishq Chamkham", "Mohtarma", "Mirror Mirror on the Wall", and the title track "Ab Mujhe Ishq Karna Aata Hai", the EP is a fusion of poetic lyrics and soul-stirring melodies that resonate with listeners of all ages.
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