Candlelight Concerts, the globally acclaimed series of intimate, multi-sensory live musical experiences, is set to captivate India with its first performance in the country, happening in Mumbai. Produced by Live Your City, a brand under the American company Fever Labs Inc., the leading global live-entertainment discovery platform, Candlelight Concerts are a series of original music concerts aimed at democratizing access to classical music. These concerts allow people all over the world to enjoy live music performances in an intimate setting illuminated by thousands of candles.
The concert line-up is a captivating blend of contemporary music to cater to diverse musical preferences. The Grand Hyatt Mumbai will host the India premiere with "Best Movie Soundtracks" on June 2. This globally acclaimed concert series, which reimagines classical music, aims not only to bring this traditionally reserved genre closer to a whole new generation but also to give visibility to local talents and spaces that are part of the cultural heritage of each city.
Candlelight: Best Movie Soundtracks
Venue: Grand Hyatt Mumbai
Dates and Times: June 2
Time- 18:30 & 21:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Musicians: Local String Quartet
Value: 1 Ticket - from 1,199 onwards
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