The Award ceremony for Lokmat Maharashtrian of the Year awards was held at the Gateway of India on the 15th of February 2023. The ceremony was celebrated with a very special performance by the students of The Sound Space. The Sound Space which is helmed by Kamakshi and Vishala Khurana has close to 50 of their very talented students captivate the audience with a soul-stirring rendition of patriotism and unity. Harmonizing voices echoed against the backdrop of the historic monument, creating a poignant tribute to the rich cultural heritage of Maharashtra.
The children from the Akanksha Foundation who have been associated with The Sound Space for a long time lent their voices to the evening's melodic tapestry. These young musicians, some with over a decade of association, showcased not just their musical prowess but also their unwavering dedication to their craft.
Among the distinguished guests in attendance were renowned personalities such as Hon CM Shri Eknath Shinde, Mukesh Ambani, Isha Ambani, Ranbir Kapoor, Anand Piramal, and Ajay Piramal adding to the aura of the event and reaffirming its significance on the cultural landscape.
"These children have been immersed in musical education for years, always ready to shine on various platforms. Their dedication to honing their craft goes beyond mere practice; it embodies a profound commitment to self-expression and artistic excellence. Their performance at the Lokmat Maharashtrian of the Year awards is not just a showcase of their musical prowess but also a testament to the transformative power of music in shaping young minds and fostering a sense of community. We are immensely proud of their achievements and grateful for the opportunity to share their talents with a wider audience." Says Kamakshi and Vishala Khurana, founders of The Sound Space.
The Sound Space extends its heartfelt gratitude to Lokmat for providing the opportunity to showcase the talents of these budding musicians.
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