In a heartwarming initiative, heartwarming will be treated to a special event organised by Kamakshi and Vishala Khurana of The Sound Space, with Overbooked India. Giving a boost to their project, The Sound Space on Wheels, this event promises to be an inspiring experience, blending the magic of storytelling with the joy of learning through music.
As part of the event, Kamakshi and Vishala Khurana will engage the children by reading Jungle Jugalbandi, a beautifully illustrated book that connects the essence of Indian Classical music and nature. Overbooked India will follow up with the distribution of these books to these 25 basti kids, ensuring they have stories to take home.
Kamakshi and Vishala Khurana shared their thoughts on the event:
"Reading along with teaching and learning through music is one of the best ways to inspire and engage young minds. We are thrilled to put together this beautiful initiative, where we are able to share stories and music with these children, igniting their imagination and passion for learning."
This initiative is part of Kamakshi and Vishaka’s ongoing collaboration with local communities to inculcate good habits such as reading, nurturing and educating children through music and storytelling.
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