In the next two years, we think the market will grow from 150 million users to over 400 million users and we would like to lead the market with over 50 percent market share.”According to Quartz, Gaana may very well achieve this lofty milestone even as its paid subscriber base remains as a dismal single digit number. At 80 million currently, the company has already locked down over 50% of India’s 150 million music app users. The streaming music service has also surpassed all search traffic for music apps in the country even as local rivals Wynk and Hungama continue to flatline in terms of interest according to Google Trends. Should Gaana gain a 50% share in the next two years, other local streaming rivals make up the rest. Amazon, Google Play, and Apple Music also have a foothold in the cities even as they’re yet to reveal their total subscriber base in India.
The agreements will foster the next era of streaming innovation, offering new paid subscription tiers, music and non-music content bundling,....
January 27, 2025
Both companies are major competitors of Spotify in the music streaming market. Together, these three platforms account for over 55%....
January 25, 2025
The company’s operating EBITDA surged by 28% to ?55.6 crore, up from ?43.4 crore in the corresponding quarter last year.
January 22, 2025
The transaction, which is subject to regulatory approvals, is expected to close in the second half of 2025.
December 17, 2024