Commenting on the winning titles, a spokesperson from BIG FM said, “The fact that our Bhakra Nangal campaign received 70% of the total ad spends in its region, adds credibility to the impact generated and the effective reach provided by our network. We look forward to a more promising year ahead as we continue to grow with our objective of providing entertainment with a cause.”BIG FM is known for its high-decibel ‘Bhakra Nangal Dam’ campaign on the lines of “Bandh Nahin ye Bandhan hai” which translated to ‘It’s just not a mere dam, it’s a bond’. The campaign effectively highlighted the importance of the dam and aimed to do away with any negative notions attached to it. The network plans to continue to reach out to the audience with its clutter-breaking and riveting campaigns that cut through demographics and sustain its leadership positioning.
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