Veteran filmmaker-lyricist Sawan Kumar Tak has passed away. The filmmaker had a past record of lung-related ailments and was battling for his life in the ICU. Salman Khan, who has closely worked with Sawan Kumar, shared an unseen throwback picture of himself with the lyricist and paid his tributes to the late filmmaker.
Filmmaker-lyricist was in the ICU department of Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai. He had a past record of lung-related ailments. The veteran filmmaker passed away at around 4.15 pm today. His nephew Navin told Indian Express, “Sawan ji suffered a heart attack at around 4:15 pm today. He died of multiple organ failure. The funeral will be held today evening.”
Salman, who was a close friend of Sawan, paid his tributes and shared an unseen throwback picture.
Sawan Kumar Tak started his career in the Hindi film industry as a producer with Naunihal in 1967. The film marked Sanjeev Kumar's debut project. Later, in 1972, he made his directorial debut with Gomti Ke Kinare, which was Meena Kumari's last film. Apart from this, Sawan Kumar Tak was also known for giving a break to Mehmood Junior aka Naeem Sayyed. Some of his other notable works include writing lyrics for Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai, Sanam Bewafa, Sajan Bina Suhagan, Souten, and others.
Veteran filmmaker Sawan Kumar Tak has passed away. He was 86.
August 25, 2022