Radio City, India’s leading radio network, renowned for its innovative programming and deep audience connection, proudly announces its pioneering step into short film production with the launch of 'Puduma - Season of Pranayam' premiering on the Radio City Malayalam YouTube page. This marks the debut of Radio City Originals (Malayalam), a venture aimed at enriching the cultural tapestry of India’s media panorama. This initiative is set to deliver high-quality, emotionally engaging content.
Set against the backdrop of Onam, 'Puduma’ celebrates the festival’s spirit of renewal and togetherness. This rom-com promises viewers a heart-warming journey as it follows a newly married couple navigating the joys and challenges of their first Onam together. This Malayalam saga encapsulates the essence of love, romance, and the celebration of new beginnings. Its universal theme and engaging storyline are well-set to captivate viewers across generations.
Radio City continues to strengthen its journey as a versatile and forward-thinking brand that continues to explore new ways of connecting with its audience in this digital era by expanding into new avenues. The group has carved out a unique niche in the private FM segment, seamlessly integrating across audio, digital, and visual content and more.
Ashit Kukian, CEO of Radio City, remarked, “With Radio City Originals (Malayalam), we are thrilled to bring forth narratives that resonate deeply with our audience. 'Puduma - Season of Pranayam' reflects our dedication to deliver compelling content that not only entertains but also connects on an emotional level. As part of our ongoing Radigitalization strategy and quest to reach new audiences, this endeavor reinforces the manner in which we innovate and expand our offerings, catering to diverse audience preferences.”
Radio City’s foray into short film production signifies a milestone in its journey of innovation and audience engagement. Stay tuned as 'Puduma - Season of Pranayam' unfolds on youtube, promising a delightful cinematic experience for audiences worldwide.
With on-the-go, bite-sized content that offers a creative escape, we are excited to explore more such projects, tapping into the growing demand for engaging and refreshing entertainment.
This marks the debut of Radio City Originals (Malayalam), a venture aimed at enriching the cultural tapestry of India’s media....
September 14, 2024