
Loudest Review : Blackstratblues – ‘The Last Analog Generation’

Loudest Review : Blackstratblues – ‘The Last Analog Generation’

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Guess What! Blackstratblues are BACK! They just released their new full-length record titled ‘The Last Analog Generation’ today on Apple Music and Bandcamp. This was one record that was MUCH awaited this year, and now that it’s finally available for listening, here’s what I think:

Blackstratblues is Mumbai based guitar extraordinaire Warren Mendosa’s personal project. This is the band’s 4th full-length release and it is just what you expect it to be. From the get go, the album sets a base for itself which never lulls down. Joined by Adi Mistry on Bass, Beven Fonseca on Keys and Jai Row Kavi on Drums, this album is quite the blues version of a punch in the face. Comprising of 8 tracks, the record starts with the song ‘Lead Chain Swing’, which is undoubtedly the heaviest track on the record. Coming in around 5 and a half minutes, it’s the signature Blackstratblues sound that everyone knows and loves with some amazing drum work by Jai Row Kavi, especially the cymbal work that gives the track a very interesting quality. Over the explosive guitars, bass, and drums, Beven Fonseca does brilliant work with the Organ, providing a soft ambient like layer that makes the whole sound rounded and warm. Moving through the record, it is more than apparent that Mendosa is a master of his instrument. All the small nudges of the tremolo here and there provide a violin like quality to the guitar playing. It’s something that is very rare and even harder to pull off cleanly. Jai Row Kavi and Adi Mistry establish incredible groove throughout the record. The drum patterns interlocking with the bass playing are an absolute delight in every song. The Arnab Goswami ad-lib at the start of ‘Mediatrician’ is a perfect start to the track, giving a sense of humor, as the track seems to apply from the playing.

Warren Mendoza not only takes the whole writing credit, he also mixed the record. Recorded live at Cotton Press Studios (remember you could do that?), this has to be the biggest win for the record – it sounds wonderful! The production gives space to each instrument while maintaining an incredible amount of dynamics. The guitar tone is rich, warm and creamy. Considering the guitar acts as the lead melody/voice through most of the record, the production qualities give it a very human-like feeling, which would probably make this record more relatable to someone who isn’t used to instrumental music, in my opinion. The record also has Tejas Menon singing on the song ‘Love Song To The Truth’. Considering it is the only track on the record with vocals, Tejas does an absolutely wonderful job on the vocal delivery and lyrics. His voice is something you can’t miss. This definitely makes the record a bit more diverse than just an Instrumental Rock record.

To finish off, the whole album flows perfectly once you listen to it all in one go. As mentioned before, at no point do the songs dip in impact or quality of content. You could easily compare the record to some seminal Instrumental Rock records such as ‘Flying A Blue Dream’ by Joe Satriani. I think beyond that, the versatility and tastes of the musicians involved take the record to another place. There are moments of blues, hard rock and even some interesting progressive sensibilities that work really solidly with each other. The songs show that the members involved know what they’re exactly doing and how much precision has been put in. It will be an experience of its own to see this live! Luckily for everyone, Blackstratblues is going out on a 4 date tour soon to promote the album. So grab hold of the record, give it a listen – and go watch the gentleman in Blackstratblues at a venue near you! Here are the dates: 

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