Renowned Ghazal vocalist Pankaj Udhas, aged 72, bid farewell after battling a prolonged illness on February 26, as confirmed by his family. The maestro's family issued a statement verifying the demise of the ghazal icon, expressing deep sorrow. The statement conveyed, "It is with profound grief that we announce the passing of Padmashri Pankaj Udhas on February 26, after a prolonged illness. Udhas family."
The singer breathed his last at 11 AM today at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai. Reports suggest he had been grappling with cancer for several months and had refrained from meeting visitors. The final rites of the esteemed artist are scheduled for Tuesday, February 27.
Pankaj Udhas' daughter, Nayaab, also shared the somber news of her father's passing on social media.Hospital in Mumbai. Reports suggest he had been grappling with cancer for several months and had refrained from meeting visitors. The final rites of the esteemed artist are scheduled for Tuesday, February 27. Pankaj Udhas' daughter, Nayaab, also shared the somber news of her father's
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