Marketing All Tags

UMGB And Coca-Cola Extend Partnership, Unveil New Tracks From Karol
UMGB And Coca-Cola Extend Partnership, Unveil New Tracks From Karol...

This collaboration brings fresh and exciting content to music lovers worldwide, including brand new tracks from the acclaimed artists Karol....

July 03, 2024

Wynk Music Gives Users An Exclusive Tour Opportunity Of 'Kalki
Wynk Music Gives Users An Exclusive Tour Opportunity Of 'Kalki...

Wynk Premium users now stand a never before exclusive chance to enter the world of the latest science fiction -....

July 01, 2024 Launches New Ad Campaign For VIP Personalized Matchmaking Launches New Ad Campaign For VIP Personalized Matchmaking...

The ad campaign, involving a TVC and a digital ad that features famous actor Ronit Roy, focuses on the benefits....

July 01, 2024

Red FM Announces The Return Of South Side Story Season
Red FM Announces The Return Of South Side Story Season...

The ultimate South Indian experience festival is arriving soon in Delhi.

June 27, 2024

Hoopr Appoints Rakesh Nair As CTO, Vitasta Kaul As CMO
Hoopr Appoints Rakesh Nair As CTO, Vitasta Kaul As CMO...

Hires ex-BookMyShow as CTO and ex-CredR as CMO to Drive Growth in the Booming Creator Economy

June 27, 2024

UMGB And Coca-Cola Extend Partnership, Unveil New Tracks From Karol
UMGB And Coca-Cola Extend Partnership, Unveil New Tracks From Karol...

This collaboration brings fresh and exciting content to music lovers worldwide, including brand new tracks from the acclaimed artists Karol....

July 03, 2024

Wynk Music Gives Users An Exclusive Tour Opportunity Of 'Kalki
Wynk Music Gives Users An Exclusive Tour Opportunity Of 'Kalki...

Wynk Premium users now stand a never before exclusive chance to enter the world of the latest science fiction -....

July 01, 2024 Launches New Ad Campaign For VIP Personalized Matchmaking Launches New Ad Campaign For VIP Personalized Matchmaking...

The ad campaign, involving a TVC and a digital ad that features famous actor Ronit Roy, focuses on the benefits....

July 01, 2024

Red FM Announces The Return Of South Side Story Season
Red FM Announces The Return Of South Side Story Season...

The ultimate South Indian experience festival is arriving soon in Delhi.

June 27, 2024

Hoopr Appoints Rakesh Nair As CTO, Vitasta Kaul As CMO
Hoopr Appoints Rakesh Nair As CTO, Vitasta Kaul As CMO...

Hires ex-BookMyShow as CTO and ex-CredR as CMO to Drive Growth in the Booming Creator Economy

June 27, 2024

Pocket FM Sweeps Sci-Fi At e4m Golden Mikes 2024;Audio Series
Pocket FM Sweeps Sci-Fi At e4m Golden Mikes 2024;Audio Series...

Pocket FM’s Yakshini bags Silver in the Horror/ Thriller category. Since 2021, the series continues to entertain its audience and....

June 27, 2024

Federal Bank Celebrates World Music Day With Launch Of Corporate
Federal Bank Celebrates World Music Day With Launch Of Corporate...

This unique anthem is performed by an ensemble of employees collaborating from various branches and offices across the country.

June 24, 2024

Spotify Collaborates With Royal Enfield To Ignite India’s Youth With
Spotify Collaborates With Royal Enfield To Ignite India’s Youth With...

The fusion of music and motorcycling truly embodies a sense of freedom and exploration which is exactly what Spotify and....

June 21, 2024

Future Of The Audio Industry: Emerging Trends And Opportunities
Future Of The Audio Industry: Emerging Trends And Opportunities

As we celebrate World Music Day and look to the future, several trends are poised to shape the audio business....

June 21, 2024

JioSaavn Unveils ArtistOne Mobile App To Empower Artists With Real-Time
JioSaavn Unveils ArtistOne Mobile App To Empower Artists With Real-Time...

ArtistOne is designed to provide everything required to increase an artist’s fanbase, understand the audience better, and take their music....

June 11, 2024