Today's Highlights

Music Inc. 2019: India’s Got Talent, Time For Discovery

Music Inc. 2019: India’s Got Talent, Time For Discovery

The first session of day two at the Music Inc conference in Mumbai was a Keynote by Amarjit Singh Batra, Managing Director, Spotify India. As per reports, the Stockholm based digital streaming service has 100 million paid subscribers worldwide.


Batra said the focus of the industry in India is moving away from playback to non-film music, which is helping individual artists promote their talent. Spotify addresses the needs of the fans as well as the needs of the artists’ - it helps them connect to each other. He spoke about how the platform works closely with artists to help them understand the market so they can deliver accordingly. He further added that since performances are a leading method of revenue generation for artists, Spotify helps them identify where their fans are located so they can organize events accordingly.


He stressed on the fact that they have specific playlists for different markets, and being a data-driven company, they look at how music is released on the platform and analyse how artists figure on those lists. Such data is again quite helpful to artists. He said at Spotify they are looking to understand the audience in India better so that they can provide them with a better experience and deliver better to their needs.

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