In Conversation: Ladies Compartment at The Gig Week
In Conversation: Ladies Compartment at The Gig Week

Taking inspiration from the varying ladies, the members are themselves a part....

December 12, 2017

Loudest Discovery | Mirasi's Debut Music Video 'Hidamba'
Loudest Discovery | Mirasi's Debut Music Video 'Hidamba'

Mirasi just released his chilling music video & DnB single titled ‘Hidamba’ and has got quite the eyes and ears....

December 11, 2017

In Conversation with Sofia Ashraf | The Gig Week, Delhi.
In Conversation with Sofia Ashraf | The Gig Week, Delhi.

Friday, the 8th of December 2017 witnessed the closing act of the....

December 10, 2017

Song of the week | Ta Dhom | Viveick Rajagopalan
Song of the week | Ta Dhom | Viveick Rajagopalan...

Check out this unbelievable single Ta Dhom which has been produced by the master composer and percussionist Viveick....

December 10, 2017

BUDx Electronic Music Lab | Lowdown on Day 1
BUDx Electronic Music Lab | Lowdown on Day 1

Loudest gives you the lowdown of DAY 1 of BUDx Electronic Music Lab! BUDx Electronic Music Lab is....

December 07, 2017

In Conversation: Ladies Compartment at The Gig Week
In Conversation: Ladies Compartment at The Gig Week

Taking inspiration from the varying ladies, the members are themselves a part....

December 12, 2017

Loudest Discovery | Mirasi's Debut Music Video 'Hidamba'
Loudest Discovery | Mirasi's Debut Music Video 'Hidamba'

Mirasi just released his chilling music video & DnB single titled ‘Hidamba’ and has got quite the eyes and ears....

December 11, 2017

In Conversation with Sofia Ashraf | The Gig Week, Delhi.
In Conversation with Sofia Ashraf | The Gig Week, Delhi.

Friday, the 8th of December 2017 witnessed the closing act of the....

December 10, 2017

Song of the week | Ta Dhom | Viveick Rajagopalan
Song of the week | Ta Dhom | Viveick Rajagopalan...

Check out this unbelievable single Ta Dhom which has been produced by the master composer and percussionist Viveick....

December 10, 2017

BUDx Electronic Music Lab | Lowdown on Day 1
BUDx Electronic Music Lab | Lowdown on Day 1

Loudest gives you the lowdown of DAY 1 of BUDx Electronic Music Lab! BUDx Electronic Music Lab is....

December 07, 2017

BUD x Boiler Room | An Underground Workshop & Gig
BUD x Boiler Room | An Underground Workshop & Gig...

What is Bud x Boiler Room? Globally, Boiler Room televises underground music....

December 06, 2017

Getting Your Business Model In Place For A Sustainable Music
Getting Your Business Model In Place For A Sustainable Music...

With evolving Business in the Music Industry, it's time to take Business seriously Music is art,....

December 04, 2017

5 Go-to Guides for Music Business
5 Go-to Guides for Music Business

Most of us recoil at the thought that music is a business. The phrase 'Music Business' brings in....

December 01, 2017

Delhi is ready for The Gig Week #7
Delhi is ready for The Gig Week #7

19 artists, 7 days, 6 venues, Unlimited fun! The Gig Week....

December 01, 2017

T-Series’s Vinod Bhanushali On His Journey From Assistant To Global
T-Series’s Vinod Bhanushali On His Journey From Assistant To Global...

Few can say they went from being a humble admin assistant to becoming the president of the country's top record....

November 29, 2017