Live-music All Tags

These 5 Upcoming Indian Cities are Getting High on Music
These 5 Upcoming Indian Cities are Getting High on Music

Music knows no boundaries and it's becoming increasingly clear that in India, the independent music wave has surpassed its....

May 14, 2018

'Strange Movements' Brings New Media To Live Music Experiences
'Strange Movements' Brings New Media To Live Music Experiences

In the modern day of music, the way we experience and consume music has been evolving rapidly. With Augmented Reality,....

March 23, 2018

Where Are Women Artists At The Music Festivals?
Where Are Women Artists At The Music Festivals?

Picture this: you’re at the music festival of your choice. You arrive....

March 06, 2018

SoundSpeaks all set to welcome Danny Howells to Delhi
SoundSpeaks all set to welcome Danny Howells to Delhi

Initially started out as a jam pad and studio, SoundSpeaks has over....

February 25, 2018

The Lost Public Performance Royalties
The Lost Public Performance Royalties

WHAT IS CONSIDERED AS A PUBLIC PERFORMANCE? Several public places such as restaurants, clubs, hotels, nightclubs, airports, etc.,....

February 09, 2018

These 5 Upcoming Indian Cities are Getting High on Music
These 5 Upcoming Indian Cities are Getting High on Music

Music knows no boundaries and it's becoming increasingly clear that in India, the independent music wave has surpassed its....

May 14, 2018

'Strange Movements' Brings New Media To Live Music Experiences
'Strange Movements' Brings New Media To Live Music Experiences

In the modern day of music, the way we experience and consume music has been evolving rapidly. With Augmented Reality,....

March 23, 2018

Where Are Women Artists At The Music Festivals?
Where Are Women Artists At The Music Festivals?

Picture this: you’re at the music festival of your choice. You arrive....

March 06, 2018

SoundSpeaks all set to welcome Danny Howells to Delhi
SoundSpeaks all set to welcome Danny Howells to Delhi

Initially started out as a jam pad and studio, SoundSpeaks has over....

February 25, 2018

The Lost Public Performance Royalties
The Lost Public Performance Royalties

WHAT IS CONSIDERED AS A PUBLIC PERFORMANCE? Several public places such as restaurants, clubs, hotels, nightclubs, airports, etc.,....

February 09, 2018

Taking North-East by a storm - Forkaal
Taking North-East by a storm - Forkaal

We talked to the folks of LAC Group and getting the northeast in the music festival radar.

November 24, 2017