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The Lost Public Performance Royalties
The Lost Public Performance Royalties

WHAT IS CONSIDERED AS A PUBLIC PERFORMANCE? Several public places such as restaurants, clubs, hotels, nightclubs, airports, etc.,....

February 09, 2018

How nightlife has been exploiting licensed music
How nightlife has been exploiting licensed music

The crux of the Nightlife Industry is the exploitation of  licensed music. Music Licensing is necessary to generate the....

February 06, 2018

Which way to go - Licensing or Selling Rights?
Which way to go - Licensing or Selling Rights?

Over the past twenty years one of the largest revenue....

January 31, 2018

Simon Posford all set to play two of his most
Simon Posford all set to play two of his most...

The Birth Of Psytrance Culture in India Psychedelic Trance has its roots firmly rooted in India.....

January 28, 2018

To be successful musician, you must see yourself as an
To be successful musician, you must see yourself as an...

Modern music education has for a while been hard to find in India but slowly with the exposure....

January 27, 2018

The Lost Public Performance Royalties
The Lost Public Performance Royalties

WHAT IS CONSIDERED AS A PUBLIC PERFORMANCE? Several public places such as restaurants, clubs, hotels, nightclubs, airports, etc.,....

February 09, 2018

How nightlife has been exploiting licensed music
How nightlife has been exploiting licensed music

The crux of the Nightlife Industry is the exploitation of  licensed music. Music Licensing is necessary to generate the....

February 06, 2018

Which way to go - Licensing or Selling Rights?
Which way to go - Licensing or Selling Rights?

Over the past twenty years one of the largest revenue....

January 31, 2018

Simon Posford all set to play two of his most
Simon Posford all set to play two of his most...

The Birth Of Psytrance Culture in India Psychedelic Trance has its roots firmly rooted in India.....

January 28, 2018

To be successful musician, you must see yourself as an
To be successful musician, you must see yourself as an...

Modern music education has for a while been hard to find in India but slowly with the exposure....

January 27, 2018

PR in music - 5 basic things you need to
PR in music - 5 basic things you need to...

With independent music at the peak in India, communication and marketing in the music industry has seen a metamorphosis of....

January 23, 2018

"The Only Way Is Up For 2018" Mandar Thakur, COO,
"The Only Way Is Up For 2018" Mandar Thakur, COO,... reached out to Top Industry Professionals, and asked them to share with us on how 2017 was for them....

January 19, 2018

The Essence of Gujarat, Brought To You By Crowdfunding
The Essence of Gujarat, Brought To You By Crowdfunding

How many times have we admired the persistence of musicians, slowly and painstakingly recording their craft, documenting it, and releasing....

January 18, 2018

Wynk Music Won The Indian Streaming Market Game In 2017!
Wynk Music Won The Indian Streaming Market Game In 2017!

There is no doubt in the fact that music consumption has moved almost in entirety towards the digital....

January 15, 2018, Why I Love This Start-Up & You Will Too!, Why I Love This Start-Up & You Will Too!! The new year has begun! 2017 saw....

January 08, 2018