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Why Delhi's Nightlife Pales in Comparison to Mumbai's
Why Delhi's Nightlife Pales in Comparison to Mumbai's

Over the last decade or so, reputation of Delhi's nightlife has only....

February 14, 2018

The Lost Public Performance Royalties
The Lost Public Performance Royalties

WHAT IS CONSIDERED AS A PUBLIC PERFORMANCE? Several public places such as restaurants, clubs, hotels, nightclubs, airports, etc.,....

February 09, 2018

How nightlife has been exploiting licensed music
How nightlife has been exploiting licensed music

The crux of the Nightlife Industry is the exploitation of  licensed music. Music Licensing is necessary to generate the....

February 06, 2018

6 Emerging Music Venues From India In 2017
6 Emerging Music Venues From India In 2017

Lack Of Quality Indoor Music Venues In India Remains A....

December 28, 2017

In Conversation with Prateek Rajagopal | The Life of a
In Conversation with Prateek Rajagopal | The Life of a...

Whilst there are many musicians in the country who are touring around making their voices heard, there’s not many that....

December 14, 2017

Why Delhi's Nightlife Pales in Comparison to Mumbai's
Why Delhi's Nightlife Pales in Comparison to Mumbai's

Over the last decade or so, reputation of Delhi's nightlife has only....

February 14, 2018

The Lost Public Performance Royalties
The Lost Public Performance Royalties

WHAT IS CONSIDERED AS A PUBLIC PERFORMANCE? Several public places such as restaurants, clubs, hotels, nightclubs, airports, etc.,....

February 09, 2018

How nightlife has been exploiting licensed music
How nightlife has been exploiting licensed music

The crux of the Nightlife Industry is the exploitation of  licensed music. Music Licensing is necessary to generate the....

February 06, 2018

6 Emerging Music Venues From India In 2017
6 Emerging Music Venues From India In 2017

Lack Of Quality Indoor Music Venues In India Remains A....

December 28, 2017

In Conversation with Prateek Rajagopal | The Life of a
In Conversation with Prateek Rajagopal | The Life of a...

Whilst there are many musicians in the country who are touring around making their voices heard, there’s not many that....

December 14, 2017

Taking North-East by a storm - Forkaal
Taking North-East by a storm - Forkaal

We talked to the folks of LAC Group and getting the northeast in the music festival radar.

November 24, 2017

Top 6 Culturally Forward Venues For Experiencing Live Music Across
Top 6 Culturally Forward Venues For Experiencing Live Music Across...

The essence of being culturally forward is not in being overly selective but in being experimental and these....

September 06, 2017